• 2024 High School (Gr 9-12)Catholic Student Ministry/Grados 9-12 Ministerio de Estudiantes Católicos

    Aug 25 – Jul 31

    St. John the Evangelist & St. Dominic HighSchool Catholic Student Ministry (CSM) meets both at St. John, St. Dominic, and off-site for events (parks, Skaters Choice, etc...).   Please register your high school son/daughter here for CSM and Confirmation (and other Sacraments). 

  • 2024 Middle School- Catholic Student Ministry/Grados 6-8 Ministerio de Estudiantes Católicos

    Aug 25 – Jul 31

    St. John the Evangelist & St. Dominic Middle School Catholic Student Ministry (CSM) meets both at St. John, St. Dominic, and off-site for events (parks, Skaters Choice, etc...).   Please register your middle school school son/daughter here for CSM and Confirmation (and other Sacraments). 

  • 2024 St. Dominic Young Disciples Religious Education/Jóvenes Discípulos Educación Religiosa

    Sep 4 – May 19

    Wednesday evenings starting September 2024

    Young Disciples is open to all parish children in 1st-5th grade!

    *If your child is seeking the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Reconciliation, and/or 1st Communion- registering them for Young Disciples is the first step! We will form our Sacramental preparation classes based on our Young Disciples registration data. 

    Parents- choose the class that best fits your child! 

    Young Disciples 101:

    Your child could benefit from a robust introductory Catholic faith formation experience. They would develop a firm foundation of their faith by attending a class that started from the beginning- creation, the entrance of sin into the world, God's saving plan through Jesus, and our response to His love. They could use some guidance in forming a regular prayer life. Mass may be a new experience for the children. This class is ideal for newcomers, children entering faith formation for the first time (or first time in a long time), children in RCIA, and children whose parents discern that their children could benefit from experiencing 101 before 201.

    Parents express an openness to learn, themselves! They are on their own journey to encountering the Lord/growing in faith through the Catholic Church. They are open to the community building/ formative offerings we have for adults on Wednesday nights. 

    Young Disciples 201:

    Your child expresses a desire or is ready to go deeper in their faith- they have a regular prayer life, the faith is talked about/practiced at home, they ask questions about God and our faith, they have been regularly involved in Children's Ministry/faith formation for more than a year, etc. Parents have seen the fruits of the Christian life in their child- they exhibit remorse for sin, show virtue in daily life, and talk to others about God. They are Baptized, and if applicable, have received 1st Communion. They attend weekly Mass with their parents/guardians.

    Their parents understand their role as the primary catechist, the importance of weekly Mass attendance, and model a Sacramental life/worldview. Parents are keenly interested in their own deeper formation in the faith.

  • 2024 St. Dominic Catechesis of the Good Shepherd/Catequesis del Buen Pastor

    Sep 7 – May 19

    Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Registration - Child must be 3 before September 1st, 2024/Registro de Catequesis del Buen Pastor - El niño debe tener 3 años antes del 1 de septiembre de 2024

Enrollment Fees

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Ages 3-5): $30 donation suggested to cover materials

registration opens August 10th, 2024

Classes are on Sundays 11:15am-12:30pm and Mondays 9:15am-10:45am (choose one)

Young Disciples (1st-5th Grade): $30 donation suggested to cover materials

registration opens August 10th, 2024

Classes are on Wednesdays 6:30pm-8pm (during Church Night)

*8pm can be late for some of our children. Please feel free to reach out if you have any concerns. I am happy to accommodate, especially for our younger students!

Middle School (6-8th grade): no cost at registration

High School (9th-12th grade): no cost at registration

About Our Program

Our St. Dominic children/youth ministry mission:

"Helping children/youth to encounter Christ, become His missionary disciples, and learn how to evangelize others!"

Program Contacts

Kathryn Judd- Young Disciples/CGS- Coordinator of Children's Ministry
Phone: 850-348-3718
Email: kathryn@saintdominicpc.com

Dot Wagner- Middle & High School Catholic Student Ministry
Phone: 813-965-2846
Email: Dot@saintdominicpc.com

Important Links

St. Dominic Catholic Church

Parish Events


I want to:

Encounter Christ

Form Missionary Disciples

Evangelize Others


Diocesan Links:

Media Release - English

Media Release - Spanish

Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee
